Wednesday 24 April 2013

U Are My Support and I Am Your's !!!

It's been very few years since I have started understanding you and for you it was one of your responsibility to understand me, to be with me, to be my support and make me believe in myself. It's just coz of you I stand so confident today. You are my support, you are my belief, you are my faith. I know I am fine till your love , your care and your hand is on me...You are my ideal!!! 

Your dignity, your honesty, your way of watching life, your positive attitude, your faith on god and on your struggle and hard work....everything you do becomes a lesson for me. 

   Every morning I wake up and wait for you to come and make my day, 
                      and you always make sure that you do the same.
My day starts with you and ends up with you. The whole day I try to be the kind of girl you want me to be and at the end of the day , I ask to myself whether I have lived up to your expectations or not. 
I am happy that you rely on me, I feel proud to be your girl and always want to be. 
 Whenever you say that you are proud on me, my life becomes worthy enough.

The time when you sit beside me and share your feelings, the time when you say that I have become your shoulder, becomes the proudest moment of my life. You are my life, you are my strength. 

I wish the brightest sunshine comes into your life everyday. I wish I could be with you during each and every ups and downs of your life and both of us face the life as we have faced it till now.......Together!!!.

Happy Birthday Papa. I Wish I could get all the happiness of the world for you and I promise I will. :)


The Drama of Discrimination – You Win some, You Lose Some

I am someone who loves to see the headlines and to choose a couple of articles to read everyday. Yesterday morning was one those mornin...