Friday, 21 June 2013

I love you O dear Life !!!

It's strange or I guess prewritten how people come into our lives, how they become a part of our lives, how we start thinking our life with them and fear from thinking the life without them. It's strange..really strange but after some time we realise by ourselves that no one dies without anybody. Life just moves on. It really doesn't wait for anybody. You gotta eat, you gotta breathe, you gotta laugh, you gotta work and you gotta do all other such stuffs in your life which you were doing in the presence of that so called person. I really wonder...........does that made any difference....ahmm well I AM STILL ALIVE. I am alive coz I got a dream to fulfill. I am alive coz I gotta prove that I may crack but I will never break. At least not coz of any one who was not even worthy enough. Worthy enough of friendship or even more. 

You gotta embrace the life as it comes to you!!!

The Drama of Discrimination – You Win some, You Lose Some

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