Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Glass Door!!! what a mess

I was so damn happy after getting this new job. Working at a position in a reputed company means something different. Of course the feeling comes like WOW!!. But yes the expectations doesn't leaves your mind and you need to work harder and harder. Well leaving all the sincere, an achiever kindaa crap behind lemme tell you about my new cabin ...........it is a bigger one but with a glass door wherein people can look inside and watch the stuffs I am doing !!!!..I mean WTF?? How can any one do this to a girl who has lots of stuffs to do apart from working during office hours?

Starting with, in the morning after putting the bag on the table the first thing I search for is my hair brush, then a mirrors comes out of my bag and then a lip gloss and at last the the perfume bottle. I mean yes I do get ready at home but after coming to office you need to give a touch up yarr !! And guess what for all this touch up you need to cross a big row of people wherein you need to say good morning to some and some says good morning to you while some remain quiet and just observe as in what are you wearing today is so damn annoying ..,.well annoying or embarrassing , I am still confused because after a period of time those so called colleagues of yours' get to know where do you go first after coming to office. And most probably this is the only reason why some of them just remain quiet and keeps on observing you. And this is just because of that bloody glass door. I mean I just don't understand what is the benefit to the management in this??

Ahh well the day moves on with this so called complaint of mine which will prevail till I am here ... now the series of people going from right direction to left direction and vice-a -versa starts  and so does start their habit to just look into that "glass door" once. I mean can anyone please tell me why do they look inside ?? and every time someone look inside I have to behave as if I am so damn busy with my work and don't have time to look up and see who is watching me. This continues for the whole day, even if I am doing nothing I just pretend to look into my system and stay busy...all thanks to that "glass door". Till now there is no clue to me as why do people have a tendency to look inside where you are not allowed to...I mean only in a straight manner ...no double meaning talks please!!

The day still continues with the same feeling and more than my work I sometimes worry about that "glass door" as some co-workers takes the biggest advantage of that. They just enters the office , comes in front of that row from where my office could be seen directly and stands for a while ( I don't know pretending or what) but  still don't understand why do their phone rings at that point only and they people stand there only while talking. I still control my emotions and just console myself that ... Well, Nisha might be they get the best network at that place only. I continue with my work....no option!!

But the real situation of embarrassment comes when you are checking you whatsapp or facebook and smiling on a silly joke and people are still looking inside. Oh my god.. again the feeling is like WTF!!
But I am thankful the shit load of work that I do not get much time to bother about that annoying yet silly habit of  people looking inside the glass door when they know that they are not going to get a glimpse of my smile ;) lol

For them the only thing which comes in mind is "Mind Your Own Business and go to hell for heaven's sake"

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